What do you think about that? Declaring your day? Owning it. How does it feel? Way deep down in your gut, how does it really feel?

I have a feeling I know what is going on in your head right now. “OOHH, but what if I screw it up?” “What if I yell at my kids today?” “What if I’m late for work again?” “What if I eat that second cookie, still can’t kick that darn sugar habit.” On and on and on it goes. Tiring isn’t it? How in this world can we make room for good when we beat ourselves up constantly?

The good news… you own your own thoughts. Yes it is true. The most challenging part of this is that you and only you know what you tell yourself every day, all day long. Most of the things we tell ourselves, we would not tell our best friend, quite the opposite. We build up others as we put ourselves down. Are you ready to choose something different? Are you ready for the Best day of the rest of your life?

First thing to understand – you are NOT your thoughts. This is true. There is this part of us called the ego. The ego likes to keep us small and safe in this unpredictable world. The ego tells us to be careful, don’t blow it, play it small so you don’t get hurt. When we choose to listen to these thoughts, we limit our ability, our true nature of who we really are. Every soul on this planet has a true purpose for something greater than we can even imagine. Really! There is something great; a greatness within all of us just waiting to get out. Just as we have chosen to follow the voice of the ego, our greatness will arise when we choose to listen to our hearts desires.

So, then you ask, how? It is great knowledge to understand the ego. And knowledge is power! This is heavy, I know. But let’s look at the choices we have: negativity or positivity. Low level thoughts actually create more heaviness and more negativity. High level thinking is much lighter and creative and attracts more lightness and positivity! That’s a pretty sweet payoff for shifting our thoughts.

We now understand and recognize the negative thinking produced by the ego. It is crucial to honor that part of yourself, respect it, forgive it, in order to make room for something better. The tendency is to see these abusive thoughts and continue to blame ourselves for them, and the pattern continues. I like to use this visualization technique for honoring our thoughts:

Imagine in your minds eye a gently flowing river. You see leaves blown onto the river and watch them float past as you sit on the shore and observe their movement. Imagine each leaf contains one of your thoughts. And you see it float by. You may even say to yourself “I forgive this thought, and I release it.”

This process brings awareness and present-ness to each and every thought we have. If we allow it, these thoughts are spent as under currents, barely noticeable but very powerfully directing our every action.

Once we become comfortable in this process, we can move to opening our lives to something new and greater. Now hold on to your seat, because this is when true transformation occurs and it is exciting! In this moment, is when we will ask for something better, choose to see the situation different, choose to let go of the fear based emotion that is attached to the fear based limited thinking.

Lets review:

Step 1 – notice the negative thought, say to yourself “I forgive this fear based thought and let it go”.

Step 2 – Say to yourself “I now choose something better than this, I choose love”. Choosing to love yourself in this moment, regardless of the negative thinking is very powerful.

Step 3 – Surrender. This is when we say “I don’t know what is next, I now choose something better and bigger, so I surrender and let the door open to what is best for me.”

When we choose to change our perspective, shift our thinking, Gabrielle Bernstein calls this shift asking for a miracle. Allowing a shift in our perception of ourselves, our situation, and the wide open world, is truly a miracle. We must see this as a blessing and take the leap to live out loud, to wake up and walk this path with passion, love and greatness.

Will this be the best day of the rest of your life? You choose!
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