Identifying “What Is” Awareness is an essential tool we bring to the task, and is itself something we must…
We rely on first impressions for more than we realize. It’s not just job interviews and blind dates that we should worry about – first impressions rule every potential relationship ahead of us. That said, we are not slaves to first impressions. We just need to better understand the numerous ways in which the mind forms an impression so that we can react accordingly.
It’s hard to deny that we are in the middle of an epidemic. According to the CDC, childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years, and in 2010, 1 in 3 children (including adolescents) were overweight or obese. Moves have been made to curtail this phenomenon, but what is it that politicians and parents are missing? The answer is a culprit.
The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Let’s start at the beginning: 2008. The Mental Health Parity Act is signed into law in 2008; it required insurance groups that offer coverage for mental health issues (or substance use disorders) to provide the same level of benefits that they would for…