Blue Cross Counseling Rates Have Gone Up!
Hello Everyone,
BCBS of Massachusetts rates increased effective 9/1/11, so the coinsurance portion for some clients has changed. Here are the rates with the coinsurance amounts for your reference. Enjoy!
- Psychotherapy Masters Level Codes:
- Psychotherapy PhD Level Codes:
- Psychiatry codes:
90801 $128.97
10%=12.90 20%=$25.79
90806 $72.75
10%= $7.28 20%=$14.55
90847 $86.22
10% = $8.62 20%=$17.24
90801 $150.00
10%=$15.00 20%=$20.00
90806 $ 90.81
10%=9.08 20%=$18.16
90847 $97.63
10%=$9.76 20%=$19.53
90862 $71.84
10%=$7.18 20%=$14.37
90801 $189.14
10%=$18.91 20%=$37.83
90807 $126.97
10%=$12.70 20%=$25.39
90805 $92.45
10%=$9.25 20%=$18.49