Winston Salem Addiction Therapy

Forsyth Addiction Therapy—Addiction Therapists in Winston Salem, NC

Dominic is a great dad, boss, and husband. His neighbors see a man who has it all. Dominic is a perfectionist, and he has been successful at most things… with one major exception. Since he was a kid, he has felt intense anxiety and shame. His neighbors see perfection, but Dominic never feels like enough. To cope, he has used alcohol for as long as he can remember. He is good at hiding it, but as the stress in his life has escalated, so has his use. Each time he drinks, Dominic tells himself, that is the last time… next time, I will be stronger. However, Dominic has an addiction, and fighting an addiction is not about being stronger or having more willpower. Addiction is a disease, and like any serious illness, it often requires treatment from a mental health professional. The good news is that treatment options are available.

“I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: ‘Wait a minute –
if I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities?’
And slowly it dawned on me that it was maybe worth the risk.”
― Craig Ferguson

Some people who struggle with addiction are like Dominic—they are fighting substance abuse (for example, prescription drugs, marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, food, opioids, more). Some people who struggle with an addiction are not like Dominic—instead of fighting substance abuse, they are fighting a compulsive behavior (like gambling, sex, shopping, video games, and more). Addiction can look very different from person to person, but however addiction shows itself, what is happening to an individual’s brain is the same. Addiction is a disease that knocks people’s brains off balance. Treatment options focus on resetting the brain and restoring its healthy balance.

The addiction therapists at Thriveworks Counseling in Winston-Salem understand what addiction is, how it functions, and how to fight it. We have worked with many clients who are battling addiction in some form, and we have helped them achieve sobriety and regain control of their lives. If you are struggling with addiction, consider working with one of our addiction therapists. Call today to schedule your appointment.

Addiction’s Red Flags

It is an abstract thing to say that addiction changes the brain. These internal changes are not visible to the naked eye, but they are nonetheless real. A more tangible measure may be the physical, behavioral, and emotional responses that these changes produce. The following are signs that addiction may have taken hold within an individual’s brain…

Physical Red Flags for Addiction (especially for substance abuse)

  • Being hyperactive or lethargic (depending upon the drug)
  • Excessive sniffing while not ill
  • Repetitive speech
  • Weight loss
  • Red eyes, dilated pupils
  • Being undernourished or pale
  • Body odor that is unpleasant or different

Behavioral Red Flags for Addiction

  • Missed work/school/personal engagements
  • Relationship problems
  • Difficulty in school
  • Keeping secrets
  • Isolating oneself
  • Financial problems (particularly, needing money)
  • Lying to loved ones (especially to cover the addiction)

Emotional Red Flags for Addiction

  • Obnoxious, silly, easily confused
  • Defensiveness
  • Loss of interest in people/activities that were once valued
  • An inability to handle stress Irritability
  • Lack of awareness about the problem: denial, rationalizations, minimizations, blame, diversions

Risk Factors for Addiction

Right now, 21 million Americans are fighting an addiction, and even more know what it is like to fight because they have struggled in the past and won. Certain factors can increase an individual’s risk for addiction. Some of those factors include a person’s genetic make-up, but circumstances can also contribute. In particular, peer pressure and emotional numbing can raise a person’s risk of addiction:

  1. Peer pressure: What often starts as a stress-reliever with friends can quickly turn into an addiction. This can occur at any age—not just in adolescence. Over time, the activity or substance use that began as a group activity may be escalated and isolated and compulsive.
  2. Emotional Numbing: Many people who develop an addiction have experienced the worst that life can offer. They may have survived trauma, child abuse, abandonment, neglect, poverty, and more. They may feel intense and difficult emotions like fear, anger, shame, loneliness, and guilt. They may not know how to handle those feelings, and addiction offers the false promise of relief. Addiction, however, never delivers.

Addiction Therapy at Thriveworks Counseling in Winston-Salem in Forsyth County

If you recognize some of the red flags for addiction or some of the risk factors for addiction, know that reaching out for help sooner rather than later may be the right step. The therapists at Thriveworks in Winston-Salem would like you to know that help is available. We also would like you to know that…

  • Having addiction is not a sign of weakness—it is a disease that can develop in anyone.
  • Addiction was not your choice—we know you do not want this struggle either.
  • You are not alone—we understand what you are facing. Our professionals are dedicated to supporting their clients.

If you are ready for treatment, the therapists are ready to get started too. When you contact our office, you may have your first appointment within 24 hours. A scheduling specialist will answer your call and help you make an appointment. We offer evening and weekend sessions, but we do not put our clients on a waitlist. Many insurance plans are accepted. Let us be your ally as you fight addiction. Contact us today.

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  • 2150 Country Club Rd,
    Winston-Salem, NC 27104

  • Mon-Fri:7AM-9:30PM

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