Psychiatry in Phoenix, AZ

Psychiatry in Phoenix, AZ

Coping mechanisms: We all have them. Think back to the last time you were experiencing emotional or mental unrest. It could have been today, two weeks ago, maybe last month. What did you do to cope with those difficult feelings? Did you:

  • Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you were going through?
  • Go on a hike outside to get some fresh air?
  • Pick up a book and start reading?
  • Schedule an appointment with a counselor?

These are all healthy coping mechanisms for when we feel a little overwhelmed. However, sometimes people turn to less healthy ways of coping that end up making matters worse. Whether you’re dealing with addiction, a mental illness, bipolar disorder, or just overall low self-esteem, it’s essential that you get the appropriate help.

Take Paige for example. She struggled with body image issues growing up which eventually led her to develop an eating disorder. She hid it from her friends and family until they noticed how much weight she lost in such a short period of time. Her parents scheduled her an appointment with a psychiatrist to talk about what has been going on. 

Psychiatrists are mental health professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral health conditions. If you’re feeling anxious, depressed, are struggling with an eating disorder, or are having any other mental concern, working with a psychiatrist can be the key to living happily and healthily again.

At Thriveworks Counseling in Phoenix, AZ we have a team of psychiatrists readily available to provide you with mental health care. And they can do so virtually from the comfort of your own home. When you’re ready to schedule your first appointment, just reach out to our office. 

Mental Health Concerns: Psychiatric Care

People assume that only the most severe mental illnesses could benefit from working with a psychiatrist or taking a prescription medication. This, however, is not true.

Psychiatrists are highly qualified to diagnose, treat, manage, and even prevent problems and challenges related to your mental wellbeing. At Thriveworks in Phoenix, our psychiatrists can work with you regardless of having mild or severe symptoms. In fact, they recommend working with a mental health professional no matter how long you’ve been dealing with something difficult. 

They can work with you through a broad range of mental health disorders such as:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Personality disorder
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia
  • Addiction and substance abuse 
  • Schizophrenia
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Dyslexia

Just to name a few. If you have a feeling that there might be something diagnosable or if you just want a professional’s opinion and guidance, the psychiatrists at Thriveworks Counseling in Phoenix want to help you as soon as you’re ready. Your mental health matters to us. 

We understand that you might not even know what you’re battling. If you’re experiencing unusual symptoms or emotional unrest, our psychiatrists can assess you and provide you with an accurate diagnosis. Here are some signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for:

  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Anxiety, worry, and fear
  • Difficulty concentrating, paying attention, or remembering things
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions of self-harm
  • Obsessively thinking
  • Difficulty adjusting after major life changes, stress, or loss
  • Substance abuse or addiction
  • Thoughts of hurting other people or yourself

To treat these symptoms and disorders, your psychiatrist may conduct both laboratory and psychological testing to help discern the cause of your symptoms and provide a professional assessment of your mental wellbeing. In addition, medication management could be recommended if you are the right fit for a psychiatric medication. 

Medication Management at Thriveworks

Psychiatrists are trained medical doctors who have the ability to prescribe psychiatric medication. Your provider can determine which medication might be the right fit for you, how much you should take, and ensure you know when to take it. Finding the best medicine may take some trial and error, but your psychiatrist will work with you every step of the way.

Some types of psychiatric medications that you might be prescribed include antidepressants, antipsychotics, depressants, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and anxiolytics. These treat many mental health disorders, including anxiety, schizophrenia, eating disorders, ADHD, insomnia, depression, and personality disorders.

Get Started With a Psychiatrist at Thriveworks Counseling in Phoenix, AZ

We understand that getting mental health help can often be viewed as “taboo.” However, just know that this mentality is antiquated. There is no shame in working towards becoming the best version of yourself with the help of a trusted mental health professional. 

At Thriveworks Counseling in Phoenix, we believe that getting the help you need is a smart decision. To make the process as easy and as accessible as possible, we also offer competitive benefits, including: 

  1. Evening and weekend appointments
  2. Flexible online counseling options 
  3. Same- and next-day appointments
  4. Access to exclusive, helpful video and e-book content 
  5. No waitlist!

And more. When you’re ready, give us a call. One of our scheduling specialists will help you find the perfect day and time to get started. We look forward to working with you soon. 

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  • 3819 N 3rd St,
    Phoenix, AZ 85012

  • Mon-Fri:8AM-9PM

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