Immediate Help

If you (or someone you know) are struggling or in distress, please reach out to someone. The following resources can get you immediate help:

Call: 1-800-273-8255

Call: 1-800-366-8288

Text: REASON to 741741

<table><!– –><tbody><!– –><tr><!– –><td>National Domestic Violence Hotline</td><!– –><td>1-800-799-7233</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>Family Violence Helpline</td><!– –><td>1-800-996-6228</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>National Hopeline Network</td><!– –><td>1-800-784-2433</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Hope Line</td><!– –><td>1-800-622-2255</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>National Crisis Line, Anorexia and Bulimia</td><!– –><td>1-800-233-4357</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>LGBT Hotline</td><!– –><td>1-888-843-4564</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>TREVOR Crisis Hotline</td><!– –><td>1-866-488-7386</td><!– –></tr><!– –><tr><!– –><td>AIDS Crisis Line</td><!– –><td>1-800-221-7044</td><!– –></tr><!– –></tbody><!– –></table><!– –>&nbsp;<!– –><!– –><strong style="text-align: center;">Want to learn more about mental health?</strong><strong> </strong><!– –><ul><!– –> <li>For helpful resources regarding the importance of mental health and overall wellbeing, visit <a href="">Mental Health America</a>.</li><!– –> <li>To learn more about the specifics of mental illness, visit <a href="">National Alliance on Mental Illness</a>.</li><!– –> <li>Questions? Visit <a href="">Thriveworks Community</a> and have them answered by licensed mental health professionals.</li><!– –></ul><!– –><strong> </strong><br><!– –><hr><br><!– –><em>*If you are in a dangerous and/or life-threatening situation, </em><strong><em>don’t stay on this site</em></strong><em>. Visit one of the resources above.*</em>

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