Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in Charleston, SC—Therapists and Counselors

Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in Charleston, SC—Therapists and Counselors

One of the main reasons people seek couples therapy and marriage counseling is for help with their closest, most intimate relationships. While couples therapy tends to be viewed as something for relationships in crisis, there are many reasons that individuals in relationships pursue it. Whether the reasons are large or small, they deserve to be explored and improved upon.

Couples therapy and marriage counseling at Thriveworks Charleston has helped many couples with a variety of issues. These qualified therapists help their clients learn new insights, improve cognitive and emotional skills, as well as adopt new habits that can have a huge impact on their lives and relationships. The couples therapists and marriage counselors at Thriveworks Charleston can guide couples toward better relationships. If this sounds like something you’re interested in or could benefit from, give us a call at (843) 480-4034 to schedule a couples therapy or marriage counseling appointment.

Common Relationship Issues Discussed in Couples Therapy

Throughout our relationships, there may be small conflicts that arise every now and then. In other cases, there may be large issues that appear or prove to be monumental. Each scenario can be explored with the help of a professional therapist who can guide couples through the “bumps in the road” or the seemingly overwhelming roadblocks. Some of the most common issues couples experience are:

1. Communication

The foundation of all relationships, communication can be face to face, over the phone, text messaging, and social media. Counselors can teach couples how to communicate with each other in positive ways. The type of communication people experience while growing up strongly affects how they communicate in adult relationships. Thriveworks Charleston can help couples to adapt a communication style that works well instead of falling back on problematic habits they learned in their past.

 2. Sexual issues

Sexuality is complex and personal, entailing more than just sexual activity. An individual’s personal definition of sexuality may include feelings of attraction toward another, how they choose to be intimate, and feelings relating to body image and personal values. There are as many individual expressions of sexuality as there are preferences for music. When individuals experience confusion or distress about aspects of sexuality–anxiety, embarrassment, anger and hurt–counselors at Thriveworks Charleston can be of great help and act as your support system.

 3. Infidelity and Unfaithfulness

One of the most hurtful and damaging experiences a couple undergoes is infidelity, but it doesn’t mean the relationship is beyond repair or has to end. In couples therapy or marriage counseling, individuals have a safe place to begin the journey toward resolving the issue. Experienced therapists at Thriveworks in Charleston, SC can help find meaningful and practical ways to work through the rough waters of unfaithfulness.

4. Blended Families

Blended families—or stepfamilies—are becoming increasingly common in the United States. Studies show that almost half of the marriages in the country end in divorce, and nearly half of the nation’s children are living with a biological parent and the parent’s partner. When two parents and their respective children join as a family, it can create challenges, such as different parenting styles and family routines. The new family structure and adapting to it may cause stress and conflicts. In some cases, one person may never have had children and is entering the family as a parent for the very first time. In each of these instances, the additional stress in the marriage can sometimes seem overbearing. With many issues and conflicting emotions from all sides, couples may find it difficult to live in harmony with their new “families” all under the one roof. This tension on a new marriage can cause stress that therapists at Thriveworks Charleston can help you work through.

These examples are only a few of the many issues couples may experience in their marriage. Whether couples experience a few ups and downs or a seemingly unsurmountable issue, there is help. Consider working with a couples therapist or marriage counselor at Thriveworks Charleston.

Work with a Couples Therapist or Marriage Counselor at Thriveworks Charleston

Call Thriveworks Charleston at (843) 480-4034 to schedule a session or to find out more about how couples therapy and marriage counseling can improve your relationship. When you call to set up your appointment, a scheduling specialist will help you find the right counselor, psychologist, or therapist for you. Additionally, they will assist you in finding an appointment day and time that works for you and your partner. We have extended hours in the evenings and on the weekends.

We look forward to working with you and your partner! Schedule an appointment at Thriveworks Charleston when you feel ready. We’ll be here.


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Emily Frichtl has been a fan resource for me. She is insightful, compassionate and caring. I am very thankful to have her!
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Emily Frichtl is a great therapist! I had the privilege of acting as both a clinical supervisor and then as a peer to Ms Frichtl and can attest that she is well versed in the field ethics, displays compassion, and is driven to help her patients.
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I worked with Adam for over 2 years as a colleague. He is client focused, dependable, and well loved among clients.
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Among the nicest people I have ever known.

I was privileged to work alongside Adam recently and I was regularly impressed with how often his clients enjoyed him. He was respected for asking wise questions and for giving gentle suggestions. And his paperwork was to be envied. He's such a good guy!!!
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