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Posts by Jon Negroni:

3 Ways to Know If You Are A Psychopath

Are You a Psychopath? The term “psychopath” is one you’ve probably heard tossed around in conversation, sometimes flippantly. But what is a psychopath, really, and how can you tell if you fall under this classification? Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is associated with individuals who are very antisocial. They…

7 Steps to True Forgiveness

What are the steps to true forgiveness? Yesterday, we talked about how forgiveness is actually a process, not a singular action. Of course, that begs the question, “What is the process of forgiveness?” There are myriad approaches to understanding this process, and making sense of it is…

3 Steps to Making Your Child Bully-Proof

What are ways to help kids become bully-proof during childhood? Bullying isn’t going anywhere in the foreseeable future. It’s an unpleasant reality that almost every single one of us has faced and will face at every age, but children are especially vulnerable. Helping a child cope with…

Why We Should Write Letters Again

And we don’t mean email. When was the last time you actually handwrote a letter? For many of you, it was probably a long time ago, and that makes perfect sense. We now live in an age when digital communication has replaced the printed word….

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