6th Grade Transition Group Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO
Are you concerned about your son or daughter’s transition to middle school?
So many fears – being shoved in a locker, sitting alone at lunch, not finding your class, walking in late to class, dropping all your books, changing for PE in the locker room…..
This is a difficult transition! I can’t think of one adult who would choose to go back and live their middle school days again. While we aren’t able to walk the halls with our sons and daughters, we are able to give them the tools to feel confident and find success.
Why Choose Thriveworks Colorado Springs?
At Thriveworks, we know the struggle is real in middle school. Very real. We will genuinely connect with your child, identify their fears and build confidence through strategies and coping skills.
Group for Middle School Transitions:
We offer a small group for middle school transitions where your son or daughter will meet other people with similar fears and concerns. Through role plays, games, and strategy practice, your child will develop the resiliency to handle whatever might come their way while walking the halls in middle school.
Benefits of a small group:
- Strong sense of belonging
- Connection with same aged peers
- Sharing of positive ideas
- Growth in self-worth and self confidence
- Strengthen relationship skills
- Sharpen communication skills
- Find passions and interests
How does it work?
At Thriveworks Colorado Springs, we have several small groups. Our Middle School transition group will meet a total of 8 sessions in June, July and Aug. There will be 6 tweens in each group, with 2 providers. The tweens will be planning to begin 6th grade in the fall. Prices are $400 for the 8 sessions, per child.
We will meet at our convenient location at 5410 Powers Point Center (Powers and Research). Feel free to drop your child off and do errands, or relax with coffee or tea in our comfortable waiting room.
Call 719-266-3919 to make an appointment. Spaces are limited.