Somerville Life Coaching

Life Coaches in Somerville, MA—Goal-Setting Help

What does your calendar hold for you today? If you are like many people, you have a long list of “to-dos”—things that you have to do. You may have a few “want-tos” sprinkled it, but only if there is time. Sound familiar? Most people can relate to the drudgery of daily life—the mundane, the usual. All too easily, people can feel stuck in their lives—going to work, running errands, making dinner, putting the kids to bed, repeating the cycle tomorrow. But what if our calendars had more of those “want-tos” and less of the “to-dos”? Many people are fighting the daily grind. They are doing more of what they want and less of what they have to. How? They are working with a life coach and setting goals.

“The thing about goals is that living without them is a lot more fun,
in the short run. It seems to me, though, that
the people who get things done, who lead,
who grow and who make an impact… those people have goals.”
—Seth Godin

A large body of research confirmed the benefits that setting goals can bring to people’s lives. As Seth Godin explains, setting a goal may sound boring—like more of the mundane, daily life, but goals are actually the key to exciting growth and positive impact. The benefits of goal setting are clear, but setting and executing a goal is often easier said than done. Short-cuts do not work for long-term success. What does work? Support. Encouragement. Help. Mentoring. Many people find these from a life coach.

Thriveworks in Somerville offers life coaching because setting goals and achieving more in life is worth the effort, but we know it takes effort. We are ready to support our clients to find the right goals that can set them up to have the life they want.

Life Coaching for Every Area of Life

Thinking about goal setting or life coaching may spark thoughts about being forced to eat more vegetable or cut out sugar. That is one way to conceptualize goals, but there is another say to see it. Goals and life coaching are ways to keep what you value as the center of your life. Because people can value anything, they can center their life on anything—whatever brings joy, love, or excitement to your life. Here are a few examples of the topics people can cover with their life coach and set goals to make positive changes:

  • Finances: what kind of relationship do you want with money? How do you want to earn it? How do you want to spend it? What role should it play in your life?
  • Career: How do you want to put your strengths and skills to work in the world? What career path or job would be fulfilling?
  • Fun: When do feel energized? What makes you smile? When do you relaxed and rested?
  • Family: What are your current relationships like? With your spouse? Partner? Kids? Siblings? Parents? In-laws? What would you like them to be like?
  • Health: How is your health? Do you want to get stronger? Lose weight? Address a medical issue?
  • Education: Are there ideas or places you want to explore? What books do you want to read? What would it look like to find a mentor?
  • Art: Do you want to learn an artistic skill? Take piano lessons? Learn how to paint? Make time for practice?
  • Attitude: Who do you want to be? Kind? Sympathetic? Loyal? How can you cultivate those character traits?

There are no limits on the kind of goals people can set and the topics they can explore through life coaching.

Goal Setting Specifics

When life coaches work with clients to set goals, there are a few tips that may help clients be successful in achieving those goals. Of course, the details of goals should align with people’s talents, priorities, and skills. Good goals are often realistic, challenging, and achievable. The details of each goal will vary, but often, the specific form the goal takes will not. For example, well-formed goals are often…

  • Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline. This brings motivation, but also encouragement. When people know that they will not be putting in their hard work for a specific amount of time, they have a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Written: Record your goals in words. Type them out on a Word Doc. Hand-write the in a journal. Review them regularly so that they can focus your attention.
  • Specific: Often, the more details a goal has, the better. Setting a goal to be a better employee may sound wonderful, but there are not enough specifics for this goal to be helpful. Instead, set a goal of giving your co-workers three compliments a week for the next two weeks.
  • Shared: When family members and friends can give encouragement or tangible support for the goal’s achievement, let them know about the goal. Build allies for your own achievement.

Scheduling Life Coaching at Thriveworks in Somerville, MA

If you want to meet with a life coach and discuss adding more “want-tos” to your calendar, know that Thriveworks Counseling in Somerville has appointments for life coaching. When you contact our office to schedule an appointment, you may be meeting with your coach within 24 hours. We also offer evening and weekend appointments, but we do not keep a waitlist (so you will never be put on one!). Let’s get started. Contact Thriveworks Counseling in Somerville today.

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  • 249 Elm St,
    Somerville, MA 02144

  • Mon-Fri:8AM-9PM

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