Career Counseling and Coaching in Greensboro, NC—Career Counselors
Aside from young kids wanting to look more grown-up, no one wants to age too fast. And the older we get, the tougher it can be to try out new things and adapt to new changes. This is especially true when it comes to occupational changes. Job losses caused by the economic downturn or jobs lost through technology can be a painful experience. It’s even more soul destroying for those who are middle-aged and older. Whoever you are or whatever your age, career counseling at Thriveworks in Greensboro can step in and turn a negative situation into something quite positive.
One of the biggest challenges all people face when looking for a new career is that they can get in their own way. A lot of them look at job losses or having to change careers as the beginning of the end; a disaster, they think. Quite often it is anything but a disaster. Many can’t see anything positive in the situation until they’ve had a little vocational counseling.
Here are some other impediments that a lot of people tend to put themselves through:
- Too young or too old to fit in
- Haven’t learned enough about ‘technology’
- Can’t possibly compete with better qualified applicants
- Don’t or can’t even think about starting over
A lot of this negativity comes about due to the destructive thinking that some people allow to creep in to their subconscious mind.
The Seasoned Professional: Finding a Valuable Career Path
The good news is that a lot of employers understand what a novice or seasoned professional can bring to the table. There have been numerous studies into this. Professionals who change careers later in life achieve two things of extreme value:
- Increased happiness
- Wealthier (financially and spiritually)
The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) conducted one such study. They found that a huge 82 percent of participants who made a career change at 45 years of age and older were successful in their transition. It’s not too late for younger people to rethink their career either. It might be disappointing to think they’ve wasted so much time following the wrong path, but it’s all part of a the life experience. Once again, counseling can and often does help in these situations.
Career Counseling at Thriveworks Counseling in Greensboro, NC
Career guidance counseling can help to make all transitions much easier and more enjoyable. Greensboro vocational counseling offers tools, advice, and resources that could help you too. Call us today if you’re looking to update your skills, change career paths, or just want to renew your presence in the job market.