Anxiety Therapy in Washington, DC (Georgetown)—Therapists and Counselors for Anxiety
Do you ever worry excessively about a scenario that you’ve created in your mind? Do you feel anxious about worst case scenarios and convince yourself that they will come true? Anxiety has a way of taking over our minds and, therefore, our lives. If only we could turn our minds off when we wanted to or silence our thoughts on a moment’s notice, all would be right in the world again. But it isn’t that easy. In reality, we have to work at calming and controlling our anxiety. And sometimes this requires a little bit of help!
Anxiety therapists specialize in helping people control their anxious thoughts. They are uniquely qualified and equipped to help people manage their anxiety disorders, whether it’s generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or another anxiety disorder.
Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. –Thich Nhat Hanh
Thriveworks Washington, DC (Georgetown) has anxiety therapists and psychologists on our team. These professionals have the skills and knowledge as well as the training and experience to help their clients with their anxiety. And they are ready to assist you as soon as today! If you think that you could benefit from anxiety therapy, reach out to our office. We’ll be happy to get scheduled with an in-person or online counseling appointment for your anxiety.
Do I Have Anxiety? What Is Anxiety?
Who doesn’t experience the occasional worry? Honestly, nobody. We all worry from time to time: We might worry about the outcome of a serious conversation with our spouse; we might worry about whether or not we’ll get that job promotion; we might worry about making it safely to our destination. All of these are warranted concerns—it’s when our worry is uncontrollable or excessive that it becomes a problem.
This might help you better understand whether or not you are experiencing anxiety and if you might have an anxiety disorder. Additionally, you can keep an eye out for the following common symptoms of anxiety:
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Racing thoughts
- Lack of focus
- Fatigue
- Sweating
- A sense of impending doom
- Nausea
- Trembling
- Palpitations
If you are experiencing a combination of the above symptoms, it’s important that you talk to a professional about them. You might not experience all of these symptoms, but even experiencing several of the above might signify an anxiety problem.
How Can Anxiety Therapy Help Me?
The good news is that anxiety is treatable! Anxiety therapy as well as medication can help people effectively manage their anxiety. Sometimes, it’s a combination of the two that proves the most effective and sometimes it’s one or the other. Now, therapy for anxiety often involves cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is all about working through negative thinking patterns. Negative thinking patterns lead to negative emotions and can bring us down; correcting them can help us get back to a happy, healthy place.
If you are suffering from anxious or negative thinking, you could likely benefit from working with an anxiety therapist! You might also benefit from medication or self-help tips. Here are a few quick facts about treating your anxiety at home:
- Stress management and meditation can help people learn to soothe or cope with their anxiety
- Exercise can also help to reduce or alleviate anxious thoughts
- In addition to working with a therapist, talking with a trusted loved one can go a long way in reducing anxiety and negative thinking
- Limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol could help you in the long-term when it comes to anxiety management
The above are some self-care tips that can help you to manage your anxiety, but should not replace professional anxiety help. Remember: the anxiety therapists at Thriveworks Washington, DC (Georgetown) are here to help you.
Schedule Anxiety Therapy and Treatment in Washington, DC (Georgetown)
You can schedule an anxiety therapist appointment at Thriveworks Washington, DC (Georgetown) right now! All you have to do is call our office—one of our scheduling specialists will get you set up with an anxiety therapist or psychologist right away. We can offer you onsite as well as online counseling appointments. And regardless of which format you choose, you’ll have flexible appointment times to choose from.
Thriveworks Washington, DC (Georgetown) looks forward to the chance to join you on your mental health journey. Call our office today to schedule your appointment.